To truly hunger for something more
Than that which is corporeal
And stands before us in material resplendence
Is the mark of the zealot shorn of reason
Nothing is too much - infinity a mere stepping stone
No suffering is beyond enduring - for rewards that wait beyond
No shred of dignity need remain - for godhead will transcend all
Yawning oblivion splits open the lies
Upon which this most base course of primordial logic
Lies splayed, shattered and eviscerated
Broken apart on the еffluent - stained wheel
Of cosmic indifferеnce
Of the void's disregard
Your incoherent hopes deserve not even pity
Your self-serving wishes are repellent
In their craven worthlessness
In craving for the grasp of oblivion’s temptation
Dignity is left as a sad and broken thing
Stripped and ashen, left to wither
A tattered banner of foreboding
- a warning to those yet to come
Stinking blood pours forth on a wave of prayer
Feverish, babbling, debasing
What is it that you seek? What do you desire?
Desperately clutching at the threads of ashen dreams
In the depths of a child-mind grasping for purpose
Nailing hopes to a rotting mast of threadbare desire
Orbiting a dead star of ignorance
To silence and abyss we reach