The theme song to the early 1990s animated cartoon Tiny Toon Adventures, originally on Fox Kids. The show starred junior “equivalents” of the classic Looney Tunes. This was a part of a craze at the time of creating younger versions of popular cartoons.
Other examples:
- A Pup Named Scooby Doo
- Jam...
Buster: We're tiny...
Babs: We're toony...
Cast: We're all a little looney
And in this cartoony, we're invading your TV!
Buster and Babs: We're comic dispensers...
Buster: We crack up all the censors...
Cast: On Tiny Toon Adventures, get a dose of comedy!
So here's Acme Acres, it's a whole wide world apart
Our home sweet home, it stands alone, a cartoon work of art!
Plucky: The scripts were rejected, expect the unexpected...
Cast: On Tiny Toon Adventures, it's about to start!
Plucky: They're furry, they're funny...
Buster and Babs: They're Babs and Buster Bunny
Cast: Montana Max has money, Elmyra is a pain!
Buster: Here's Hamton...
Plucky: And Plucky...
Babs: Dizzy Devil's yucky...
Cast: Furrball's unlucky, and Gogo is insane!
At Acme Looniversity we earn our toon degree
The teaching staff's been getting laughs since 1933!
We're tiny, we're toony, we're all a little looney
It's Tiny Toon Adventures, come and join the fun!
Buster and Babs: And now our song is done!
Tiny Toon Adventures was written by Tom Ruegger & Bruce Broughton.
Bruce Broughton released Tiny Toon Adventures on Fri Sep 14 1990.