Hand Habits
Hand Habits
Hand Habits
Hand Habits
Hand Habits
Hand Habits
Hand Habits
Hand Habits
Hand Habits
Hand Habits
Hand Habits
Hand Habits
Hand Habits
We couldn't see the future
So we tore a hole in time
You can either go short or go tight
But not both
You should save for
The things you'll wear again and again
I read that for years
The first settlers in America had to eat their dead
To survive the winters
I can't help but picture their bellies
Swollen with constipation and starvation
The groans as they shit out
Those digested arms and toes
The birth throes of a nation
Now we can work from anywhere
Now we can take control of our future
With this 1-800 number
Tell me something I need to know
Do you want to safely grow two inches?
Do you want to erase 15-20 years in 15 minutes?