[Verse 1]
Sing to the colors that float in the light;
Hurrah for the Yellow and Blue!
Yellow the stars as they ride through the night,
And reel in a rollicking crew;
Yellow the field where ripens the grain,
And yellow the moon on the harvest wain; hail!
Hail to the colors that float in the light;
Hurrah for the Yellow and Blue!
[Verse 2]
Blue are the billows that bow to the sun
When yellow-robed morning is due;
Blue are the curtains that evening has spun,
The slumbers of Phoebus to woo;
Blue are the blossoms to memory dear,
And blue is the sapphire and gleams like a tear; hail!
Hail to the ribbons that nature has spun;
Hurrah for the Yellow and Blue!
[Verse 3]
Here's to the college whose colors we wear;
Here's to the hearts that are true!
Here's to the maid of the golden hair,
And eyes that are brimming with blue!
Garlands of bluebells and maize intertwine;
And hearts that are true and voices combine; hail!
Hail to the college whose colors we wear;
Hurrah for the Yellow and Blue!
The Yellow and Blue was written by Charles M. Gayley.
The Yellow and Blue was produced by .
University of Michigan released The Yellow and Blue on Fri Jan 01 1886.