Listen to me and you shall hear
New hath not been this thousand year
Since Herod, Caesar and many more
You never heard the like before
Holy-days are despis'd
New fashions are devis'd
Old Christmas is kicked out of Town
Yet let's be content and the times lament
You see the world turned upside down
Command is giv'n, we must obey
And quite forget Old Christmas Day;
Kill a thousand men, or a town regain
We will give thanks and praise amain
The wine pot shall clink
We will feast and drink
And then strange motions will abound
Yet let's be content and the times lament
You see the world turned upside down
Our Lords and Knights and Gentry too
Do mean old fashions to forego:
They set a Porter at the gate
That none must enter in thereat
They count it a sin
When poor people come in
Hospitality itself is drowned
Yet let's be content and the times lament
You see the world turned upside down
The Serving Men do sit and whine
And think it long ere dinner time;
The Butler's still out of the way
Or else my Lady keeps the key;
The poor old Cook
In the larder doth look
Where is no goodess to be found
Yet let's be content and the times lament
You see the world turned upside down
To conclude, I'll tell you news that's right:
Christmas was killed at Nasbie fight;
Charity was slain at that same time
Jack Tell-Troth too, a friend of mine
Likewise then did die
Roast beef and shred pie;
Pig, goos and capon no quarter found
Yet let's be content and the times lament
You see the world turned upside down