In the years around the English Civil War, (1642 – 1651) seduction lyrics, such as Marvell’s ‘To His Coy Mistress’, and poems in favour of sexual freedom were increasingly popular.
The theme is as much political as sexual. Supporters of King Charles I in the Civil War, opposed the type of puritanis...
Why should you swear I am forsworn,
Since thine I vowed to be?
Lady, it is already morn,
And 'twas last night I swore to thee
That fond impossibility.
Have I not loved thee much and long,
A tedious twelve hours' space?
I must all other beauties wrong,
And rob thee of a new embrace,
Could I still dote upon thy face.
Not but all joy in thy brown hair
By others may be found;—
But I must search the black and fair,
Like skilful mineralists that sound
For treasure in unploughed-up ground.
Then if, when I have loved my round,
Thou prov'st the pleasant she,
With spoils of meaner beauties crowned
I laden will return to thee,
Ev'n sated with variety.