The Legend Of Zelda: A Link To The Past is a 2D-action-adventure-RPG game for the Super Nintendo Entertainment System, developed and published by Nintendo. Its original Japanese incarnation was released in 1991, and the English version in 1992. The game follows Link, a boy turned adventurer who emba...
A Link To The Past was an extremely innovative title. Zelda itself is already an original series, but A Link To The Past improved and added to the franchise. With 4 million units sold, this game is included in nearly every "best video game of all time" list, and rightly so. On top of innovative elements, the title perfected already existing ones. This game will forever hold a place in SNES and gaming history.
Basic InfoGenre
PlotThe game begins with Princess Zelda telepathically speaking to Link in his sleep. She tells him she is prisoner in the castle's dungeon, currently controlled by Agahnim. She requests that Link rescue her.
Even though his Uncle tells Link to stay in the house, Link ventures out anyways and discovers the secret passage Zelda told him about. Inside, he finds his Uncle near death, and receives a shield and sword. After fighting through Agahnim-brainwashed soldiers, Link rescues Zelda and is lead out of the castle and into the Sactuary by her. Loyal Sage meets them there, and tells Link of an evil force behind Agahnim's magic, and that it can only be defeating with the Master Sword. He tells Link to find the village elder, a descendant of the seven wise men, so he may learn more, and that's where the adventure begins.
Developer InfoDelevoper History
Development Story
Scrapped Ideas
Game BasicsCombat
The CastleSoundtrackA Link To The Past has one of the more beloved Zelda soundtracks. Koji Kondo composed the 98 minute delight, and influenced many future Zelda soundtracks.
Nintendo released The Legend Of Zelda: A Link To The Past on Thu Nov 21 1991.