The Interview takes place as the intro to Toni’s Playhouse, where XVXX is being interrogated by Los Angeles Police Detectives regarding his involvement in the disappearance of Toni (Surname Unknown).
This Dark Rnb Intro track is only the start of the album
I think i am definitely in another place
I think that we definitely went our separate ways
And I love her and i want her to be awesome
But umm... there's things that remind me of her..
And then it just got to the point that i was looking in the mirror
I was so unhappy
I was so lonely
I was so alone so i was like...
I can't trust anybody...
You know it sucks when you see someone you love with someone else..
But i just want her to happy honestly
I just want her to be... Happy
You know.. shes someone i love dearly dude and
I'm never going stop loving her
I'm never going to stop check on her.. umm...
I dont think relationships.. if your in a relationship
You should end that
Unless it was super toxic and you guys were hurting each-other
Physically or mentally
But um.. we always respected each-other and still respect each-other..
I can't trust anybody
[Toni's Voicemail]
The Interview (The Playhouse Introduction) was written by XVXX.
The Interview (The Playhouse Introduction) was produced by XVXX.
XVXX released The Interview (The Playhouse Introduction) on Fri Sep 01 2017.