L. Britt Snyder & U.S. National Security Agency & U.S. Central Intelligence Agency
Public Broadcasting Service & Bill Moyers
General Lew Allen & Church Committee
Public Broadcasting Service & Dick Cheney & Jack Goldsmith & Bill Moyers
U.S. National Security Agency
James Comey & Senate Judiciary Subcommittee
Curtis Bradley & William Van Alstyne & & & & & & & & & & & & David Cole
Michael Isikoff & Newsweek
Edward Snowden & U.S. National Security Agency & Glenn Greenwald &
James Clapper
James Clapper &
Edward Snowden
U.S. National Security Agency
The American People & & & John Cusack & &
ACLU & & Eric Holder & Chuck Hagel &
European Leaders & John Kerry & & Angela Merkel & Barack Obama &
Michael Hayden & &
Jen Psaki & Matthew Lee
U.S. National Security Agency & Edward Snowden
U.S. Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Court & U.S. National Security Agency
Judge Claire Eagan & General Keith Alexander & President & U.S. National Security Agency & U.S. Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Court & U.S. Federal Bureau of Investigation
Judge Claire Eagan & General Keith Alexander & U.S. Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Court & U.S. Federal Bureau of Investigation & Barack Obama
Judge Claire Eagan & General Keith Alexander & Barack Obama & U.S. Federal Bureau of Investigation & U.S. Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Court
Judge Claire Eagan & U.S. Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Court
U.S. Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Court
U.S. Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Court &
Church Committee & U.S. National Security Agency
U.S. National Security Agency
NSA Inspector General & Barack Obama & George W. Bush & Michael Hayden
Barack Obama
This is an excerpt of an article in Newsweek from 2008. It focuses on whistleblower Tom Tamm who helped expose the warrantless wiretappings and illegal data-mining opporation, Stellar Wind
Read the full article here
The NSA identified domestic targets based on leads that were often derived from the seizure of Qaeda computers and cell phones overseas. If, for example, al Qaeda cell phone seized in Pakistan had dialed a phone number in the United States, the NSA would target the U.S. phone number—which would then lead agents to look at other numbers in the United States and abroad called by the targeted phone. Other parts of the program were far more sweeping. The NSA, with the secret cooperation of U.S. telecommunications companies, had begun collecting vast amounts of information about the phone and e-mail records of American citizens. Separately, the NSA was also able to access, for the first time, massive volumes of personal financial records—such as credit-card transactions, wire transfers and bank withdrawals—that were being reported to the Treasury Department by financial institutions. These included millions of “suspicious-activity reports,” or SARS, according to two former Treasury officials who declined to be identified talking about sensitive programs. (It was one such report that tipped FBI agents to former New York governor Eliot Spitzer’s use of prostitutes.) These records were fed into NSA supercomputers for the purpose of “data mining”—looking for links or patterns that might (or might not) suggest terrorist activity.