Death is counting our ribs
Wringing us like chickens
The ground is hungry for us back
You can drill out decay
But decay is the way
We'll only live again
Fox deciphers what the lamb devours
This is what we find when
We grasp what's ours
The lamb devour what the fox decipher
This we must defy
To regain our nature
Felling down the pieces
To wake them up again
Ropes in fists that clenching
For pulling off the veil
I woke up this morning
To some insincere talking
Squawking and squabbling
Good words without feeling
It's a cover for stealing
Just a cover for thiеving
Squawking and squealing
Insincerely bеlieving
Crescent informer
Worthless informer
Toothless informer
This I can't abide
What I'm accomplishing here
The drunken drummer haunts away
Surrending will
To that old black swarm
Let out of its urn
The crawling things of this world
The free commands
Shifting like dune sands
Anyways crumbling
Like my friend's teeth