Robert Pollard
Robert Pollard
Robert Pollard
Robert Pollard
Robert Pollard
Robert Pollard
Robert Pollard
Robert Pollard
Robert Pollard
Robert Pollard
Robert Pollard
Robert Pollard
Robert Pollard
Robert Pollard
Robert Pollard
Robert Pollard
Dare touch the terms that sizzle
The pig nose pie and pizzle
The robe and crown, the mighty knights
The signs in papers that fly like kites
Dare touch the flesh and neon
For there are those who pee on
An average post, an excellent cake
So happily done
And quick to bake
Tea people are tumbling fantastic
In the highlights the walls are plastic
Are in the office
With the professional staff
We pay to make them
Tea People was written by Robert Pollard.
Tea People was produced by Todd Tobias.
Robert Pollard released Tea People on Tue Dec 10 2013.