Job for a Cowboy
Job for a Cowboy
Job for a Cowboy
Job for a Cowboy
Job for a Cowboy
Job for a Cowboy
Job for a Cowboy
Job for a Cowboy
Job for a Cowboy
Jonny Davy, Job for a Cowboy’s vocalist, stated about the lyrics and music video for “Tarnished Gluttony”: “‘Tarnished Gluttony’ originally runs off the idea of blind faith into our government and monetary system. The director ran with the idea and spliced it with a H.P. Lovecraftian twist. The vide...
A monetary plague
Is digging the world
Into an economic culmination tomb
Sculpted by the gods who have built
Their throne upon a foundation of falsity
An elastic currency
Uncoils and is extracted
From the benumbed fingers of millions
Papered bills are lessened
As they tarnish with gluttony
A mute nation walks blindfolded
As anarchism rears its face
They are answered by an iron fist
Fixed media arousal
For hypocrisy has its own elegant symmetry
Let an empire cease to exist
Entomb the masses as they persist to resist
Let an empire cease to exist
Entomb the masses as they persist to resist
An elastic currency
Uncoils and is extracted
From the benumbed fingers of millions
Papered bills are lessened
As they tarnish with gluttony
A mute nation walks blindfolded
As anarchism rears its face
They are answered by an iron fist
Fixed media arousal
For hypocrisy has its own elegant symmetry
Let an empire cease to exist
Entomb the masses as they persist to resist
Let an empire cease to exist
Entomb the masses as they persist to resist
Tarnished Gluttony was written by Jonny Davy & Al Glassman & Jon Rice & Tony Sannicandro & Nick Schendzielos.
Tarnished Gluttony was produced by Jason Suecof.
Job for a Cowboy released Tarnished Gluttony on Tue Apr 10 2012.