From the Album: Debris (SBS Records)
Michelle Malone (Strange Bird Songs/ASCAP)
Do you feel like no one else will ever love you again
And you think youll be alone forever
And you tried your best for years but you just couldnt make it work
Now you feel just like a great big failure
So you took a chance It didnt turn out like you planned When youre walking in the sunshine You might get sunburned - Sunburn, Sunburn Do you feel like youve given everything you had to give
Just like that youre world has lost its brilliance
Your bubble wasnt burst, no, it just drifted away from view
And slowly you lost all your resilience
So you took a chance It didnt turn out like you planned When youre walking in the sunshine You might get sunburned - Sunburn, Sunburn Theres a bowling ball inside your throat
That weights all your words down
It feels like youre all alone
The only person left here in this town
People talk and judge behind your back as if youre made of stone
Its not like youre not hurting
Its temporary, everything, your pain and dreams and plans
Theres no tourniquet to stop the changes - Sunburn, Sunburn