Spud Lyrics

Please don't leave the table, I'm still eating
My plate's half full
But I feel you mushing towards the sink
Am I boring you?
I'm probably boring you

It's just that your
Absence makes me grow
An absence of my own

You prefer to rest
But I'm still walking
Around release and, doubtful
I am one to think
Are you ignoring me?
Stop fucking ignoring me

It's just that your
Absence makes me grow
An absence of my own

Spud Q&A

Who wrote Spud's ?

Spud was written by WHATEVER, DAD & Z & 100%.

Who produced Spud's ?

Spud was produced by Z & 100% & WHATEVER, DAD.

When did WHATEVER, DAD release Spud?

WHATEVER, DAD released Spud on Wed Jan 02 2013.

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