Once I had a sprig of thyme
It grew both night and day
Till the false young man came a-courting to me
And he stole all my thyme away
So now my thyme is all gone
And I cannot plant any new
For the very place where my thyme used to grow
Is all over-run with rue all away
The gardener was standing by
And I asked him to choose for me
He chose for me the primrose, the violet and the vine
But I did them overlook all three
The primrose I did not like
Because it flowered so soon
The Violet, and vine I did overlook
And I vowed I stopped in June sky
In June there's a red rosy bud
But that's not the flower for me;
For oftentimes I've plucked at the red rosy bud
And gained the willow tree
Green willow it will twist
Green willow it will twine
I wish that I was safe all in that young man's arms
That stole away my thyme