Shirt by Bonzo Dog Doo-Dah Band
Shirt by Bonzo Dog Doo-Dah Band


Bonzo Dog Doo-Dah Band * Track #2 On Tadpoles

Shirt Lyrics

Spoken intro by on-the-street reporter:
Hello, well that was the sound of Roger's Wah Wah Rabbits. You heard them eating endive there. That's very cheap at this time of the year. But now here in Willesden Green...yes,'s a bit chilly, but no matter, because here comes a gentleman and we're going to talk to him about shirts!

Excuse me, sir, would you mind talking to us about shirts?
Do what?
About shirts
Cause I've got plenty at home
Good grief

And here comes a lady with an enchanting little kangaroo. And I'm going to ask her something about shirts. No I'm not. Because she's given me a rather a vulgar sign

Would you…. Excuse me, would you mind, we're talking about shirts
About shirts
Yes, the problem of shirts. The kind of…um, you know, are they necessary? Shirts
Where it is
Where it is. Yes, where is shirts?
I don't know
You don't know

Um, oh dear
There's a gentleman marching down here with a very determined stride. He looks a little cautious. He's hopping. Excuse me, sir, would you mind talking to me for a moment at all?
Uh, uh, what do you mean, guv'nor? What do you want to know?
Well, we're talking about shirts. About are they still necessary do you think? I mean, do you think they should they stop making shirts?
Oh, no, not at all. A man's not dr…not dressed unless he's got a nice shirt on, guv'nor, is he?
Not really, I suppose. What about the lengths of the shirt? Because the old ones used to be very long
Well, I'm more for the short shirt. The old types old-fashioned, mate
Gotta be a bit modern these days, guv'nor, ain't yer? Yes?
Well, you're certain with it, anyway?
Well, you've got to be with it
Of course. It's, uh…
…Right. Okay, well thank you very much. See you
Right-ho! Bye-bye!

Well, I think we're going to have to leave it there and I'm going to take you right away straight over to the Earls Court Olympia to watch the shirt event. I'll repeat that…the shirt event. I'll repeat that…the shirt event. I'll repeat that…the shirt event. I'll repeat that…the shirt event

Good morning. Could I have this shirt cleaned "express," please?
Yes, that'll be three weeks, dearie
Three weeks? But the sign outside says 59-minute cleaners!
Yes, that's just the name of the shop, luv. We take three weeks to do a shirt
Just the name of the shop!?
Yes, that's if there's an R in the month, otherwise it's four weeks. Your name does begin with a P, doesn't it?
Well, no, actually, of course it's uh....
Well that'll be five weeks, then
Five weeks? Blimey!

Shirt! Shirt! Shirt! Shakin' the shirt
Shirt! Shirt! Shirt! Shakin' the shirt
Well they're shakin' my shirt all over the place
But it's been thrown right back in my face

Shirt! Shirt! Shirt! Shakin' the shirt
New horizons in sound now as Roger plays a solo on the electric shirt collar
Shirt! Shirt! Shirt! Shakin' the shirt

Shirt! Shirt! Shirt! Shakin' the shirt

Shirt Q&A

Who wrote Shirt's ?

Shirt was written by Bonzo Dog Doo-Dah Band.

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