“Sentinel” is a reference to the 1948 Arthur C. Clarke short story “The Sentinel,” which was later used as a seed concept for the novel and film 2001: A Space Odyssey. In the story, a force-fielded, tetrahedral artifact is discovered on the moon, transmitting signals into deep space until it is eve...
Dark and desolate, I Mare Embrium
At the monolith, look for the sign
Stand in awe at the ancient sight
How many more times
Can we hear the echo of the future
Screams in the night
How many more times must we watch the Earth rise
One more sentinel, watcher of night
For decades now, I watch the dark sky
Gaze at the dead world
Wait and watch for the coming of the great return
How many more times
Can we hear the echo of the future
Screams in the night
How many more times must we watch the Earth rise