
Khalid * Track #5 On American Teen

Download "Saved"

Saved by Khalid

Release Date
Fri Jan 13 2017
Performed by
Produced by
Bryan Medina & TIGGI & OZ & Syk Sense
Writed by
Bryan Medina & TIGGI & Cameron Hale & OZ & Syk Sense & Khalid

In a verified annotation below, Khalid disclosed that “Saved” was about a relationship he had in El Paso. His moving to New York put stress on the relationship:

We soon decided, after I moved, that the relationship wasn’t as necessary as it was. She had to find herself. I had to find myself. But at...

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Saved Lyrics

2, 3, 4

[Verse 1]
The hard part always seems to last forever
Sometimes I forget that we aren't together
Deep down in my heart, I hope you're doing alright
But from time to time I often think of why you aren't mine

But I'll keep your number saved
'Cause I hope one day you'll get the sense to call me
I'm hoping that you'll say
You're missing me the way I'm missing you
So I'll keep your number saved
'Cause I hope one day I'll get the pride to call you
To tell you that no one else
Is gonna hold you down the way that I do

[Verse 2]
Now, I can't say I'll be alright without you
And I can't say that I haven't tried to
But, all your stuff is gone
I erased all the pictures from my phone
Of me and you
Here's what I'll do

I'll keep your number saved
'Cause I hope one day you'll get the sense to call me
I'm hoping that you'll say
You're missing me the way I'm missing you
So I'll keep your number saved
'Cause I hope one day I'll get the pride to call you
To tell you that no one else
Is gonna hold you down the way that I do

I hope you think of all the times we shared
I hope you'll finally realize I was the only one who cared
It's crazy how this love thing seems unfair
You won't find a love like mine anywhere

But I'll keep your number saved
'Cause I hope one day you'll get the sense to call me
I'm hoping that you'll say
You're missing me the way I'm missing you
So I'll keep your number saved
'Cause I hope one day I'll get the pride to call you
To tell you that no one else
Is gonna hold you down the way that I do
But I'll keep your number saved
'Cause I hope one day you'll get the sense to call me
I'm hoping that you'll say
You're missing me the way I'm missing you
So I'll keep your number saved
'Cause I hope one day I'll get the pride to call you
To tell you that I'm finally over you
I'm finally over you

Saved Q&A

Who wrote Saved's ?

Saved was written by Bryan Medina & TIGGI & Cameron Hale & OZ & Syk Sense & Khalid.

Who produced Saved's ?

Saved was produced by Bryan Medina & TIGGI & OZ & Syk Sense.

When did Khalid release Saved?

Khalid released Saved on Fri Jan 13 2017.

What was the inspiration behind this song?

The moment that “Saved” came to me was after my move from New York to El Paso. I was in a relationship at the time, and everything was super rocky because of the lack of distance. We didn’t see each other face to face anymore. We soon decided, after I moved, that the relationship wasn’t as necessary...

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Why did Khalid make this an acoustic ballad?

The acoustic vibe of the song made it very personal. The first time I recorded it, it was with a friend of mine. He had a guitar, he was playing behind me, and I sung one take over the whole song. To me, that felt like my own voice memo. So every time I would listen to the song, I would try to list...

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Why does Khalid sing so much about our connection to our phones?

The correlation between the cell phone usage in “Location” and “Saved"—it’s just the fact that everyone, including myself, we’re so wrapped up in this digital era. Our phone is kind of our safety net. When your phone dies, you’re kind of fucked. You don’t know what to do for 10 to 20 minutes until t...

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