Saturday by Iossa, Ken Holland, GMJ
Saturday by Iossa, Ken Holland, GMJ


Iossa, Ken Holland, GMJ * Track #1 On Saturday

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Saturday by Iossa, Ken Holland, GMJ

Release Date
Fri May 31 2019
Produced by
GMJ & Ken Holland & Iossa
Writed by
GMJ & Ken Holland & Iossa

“Saturday” is an ironic story about the modern club scene, made with the same production team of “Mr. Wonder”: Ken Holland and GMJ. Iossa’s discography began as a featured artist with DJs, but his passion for disco music began a lot earlier when he first watched the cult movie Saturday Night Fever a...

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Saturday Lyrics

It happens every Saturday night
When I just let the feeling ignite the mood
And if you’re holding onto me tight
No matter what you do
You’ll catch the fire too

Saturday, or any day
Let the fire lead the way
Saturday, or any day
Let the fire lead the way
Saturday, or any day
Let the fire lead the way
Let the fire lead the way
Let the fire lead the way

Is it the way you move
Or it’s the sweet perfume
Or the booty like nobody I know
Pictures in my head
Like ten years ahead
And I didn’t even wave you hello

The club is packed tonight
Wish the crowd would make a path among the disco lights
Old fashion moves Tony Manero style
But then again you turn your back and smile
To the other guy

It happens every Saturday night
When I just let the feeling ignite the mood
And if you’re holding onto me tight
No matter what you do
You’ll catch the fire too

Saturday, or any day
Let the fire lead the way
Saturday, or any day
Let the fire lead the way
Saturday, or any day
Let the fire lead the way
Let the fire lead the way
Let the fire lead the way

The club is packed tonight
Wish the crowd would make a path among the disco lights
Old fashion moves Tony Manero style
But then again you turn your back and smile
To the other guy

It happens every Saturday night (Saturday or any day)
When I just let the feeling ignite the mood (Saturday or any day)
And if you’re holding onto me tight (Saturday or any day)
No matter what you do
You’ll catch the fire too

It happens every Saturday night (Saturday or any day)
When I just let the feeling ignite the mood (Saturday or any day)
And if you’re holding onto me tight, yeah (Saturday or any day)
No matter what you do
You’ll catch the fire too

Saturday, or any day
Let the fire lead the way
Saturday, or any day
Let the fire lead the way
Saturday, or any day
Let the fire lead the way
Let the fire lead the way
Let the fire lead the way

Saturday Q&A

Who wrote Saturday's ?

Saturday was written by GMJ & Ken Holland & Iossa.

Who produced Saturday's ?

Saturday was produced by GMJ & Ken Holland & Iossa.

When did Iossa, Ken Holland, GMJ release Saturday?

Iossa, Ken Holland, GMJ released Saturday on Fri May 31 2019.

What did Iossa, Ken Holland, GMJ say about "Saturday"?

“Saturday” out on a Friday 😂 🌈

Who's Playing the Bass line?

Anthony Crawford, amazing virtuoso player!

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