RTJ vid snippet 1A Lyrics

People catch too much feelings when you
Tell the truth man that's true man you
Know what i mean in this hip-hop thing
Man when you tell the truth it's like
Everybody want to catch feelings yeah no
Doubt campus i want to ask you about i
Want to get into your your your world
And what what you've done um
Like explain to me like a lot of people
Get record deals and then they just give
Up you know right they they give up and
Then there's certain ones that don't be
You know i noticed those people because
They love what they do they they want to
Make records you know what i mean and
That's yeah there's certain artists that
I notice that like to make sure and the
Money is cool too and there's artists
That like to make records because they
Need to get money right and you know i i
Noticed the difference because i and i
Can tell some eventually they come
Around with what they need to do because
You got to love what you do you know
What i mean
I mean i was when i was a youngin i mean
You could finish your questions no no i
Was asking you like you know you came in
Um through wyclef and all them at that
You know you walked in with a real big
Name and then all of a sudden the record
Came and it went and then like i see you
Had other albums that we have not heard
About but you have continued to make
Records explain that to a young
Kid out here that that that may have had
A record out and didn't continue with
The next one and what pushed you to say
Record label or not i'm keeping moving
With the whole the whole hip-hop thing
Man it's cyclical it's a cycle and when
When i was a youngin i used to after
School you know man come home or
Sometimes skip school whatever i'm home
And i'm watching rap city or your mtv
Raps and i see you don't go on on the
Screen or i see you know g rap you know
Uh rose to the riches i see him on the
Screen hill street blues and i'm
Watching the video and i'm saying to
Myself as a child i'm young i'm like
No 9 10 years old i'm saying man like
Look how much power they got you know
They words what they saying i was coming
Up watching these dudes on tv and they
Made such a profound impact on me that i
Said that i want to do the same thing
It drove me to to just keep rhyming and
Keep trying to get better at ramen
And then because i put so much time into
It i invested so much time into it and i
Was spending my money going to buy
Equipment and going to get the lowest
Signs and buying all these little mem
Trying to do my own because in the
Beginning i did everything i went out
And got the four track and you know the
Little mic and all that in the beginning
Doing that
I was i was
It was almost as if i was drawing in
Because i spent so much time and exerted
So much energy doing it that i said yo
Man you know what i'm gonna chase this
To the end till i have a i've uh get on
And make an album
Or no saying until i die
And that's what i did man and that's
It's like now when i when i wake up and
And and we out doing a little it don't
Matter it don't have to be no promo
Nothing i could just be on my way going
To the movies and somebody run up on me
I'm with my shorty somebody run up on me
And say yo man when you're coming out
Again it sounded like the interlude in
The beginning of the rock kim's album
When he was like yo rob where you been
At yeah
I sit there say to myself damn i really
Got what i dreamt yeah i made things
Become a reality yeah and
And that right there is one to grow on
Because emotion
Manifests thought thought manifest
Action action manifest words words
Manifest reality
I want to ask you
You said you sit there
And and you work at getting better at
Ryman so
My question to you is like uh and i'm
Asking you because you you you could
Rhyme and the way i know your style you
Know thank you no i mean i know your
That's what i want to ask you from your
Perspective because uh you know i just
Want to ask you from a writer's
How do you get better because a lot of
People like
You know this pro tool phenomenon is
Happening to a lot of kids and it's real
Simple to record a song now so it that's
A good thing and in a bad way it's too
Easy for a kid to make a song because it
Don't make you better yeah because it's
Just too simple to grab the mic and go
Camera start rapping 16 bars i'm saying
This how do you get past that what
What makes what do you say okay this
Ain't about 16 bars no more this is
Now i got to get it good what is what is
Getting better what do you know how you
Get better get better get better by
Spitting 10 000 bars
And ever since the x's and the jiggers
Came out but [ __ ] ain't trying to hear
That [ __ ] you talk about what's up with
That cat cannabis some played you out
Why you ain't answer back correctly [ __ ]
Was that about i sit through some honey
And try to explain some things about the
Life of a legend in all the drama
I'm saying this is how we do it i know
You allow listening to the official
Lights out yo that's what they did to me
No more rap for you cannabis
That's what they thought these devils
These spirits
They were real they were real yeah i got
It [ __ ] up about the kid
You don't you don't believe me you don't
Believe me
There is nothing at all within me except
The will to uncover the greatest
Attributes of my craft for the benefit
Of the minds of all hip-hop is the
Greatest genre of music
That nature has so far given
It has within itself the potential to
Unleash an abundance of thought
Which has been common to each and every
Historical moment
Of mankind's gradual awakening
They have attempted to marginalize me
To drive me into obscurity
The very same church of all news
Cushions i kneel
I am not a heretic to hip-hop and i have
Not wandered into the wilderness
Nor am i insane
You may criticize me for defending
Myself against these allegations
But that should not reveal me to be
The rhymes come to me from the universe
And so the infinite is made manifest
Through rhyme
They are no longer mine
Yours everything that has happened up to
This point has prepared me for this
And my chains are now unlocked
My mind is now free
He was born in the 80s you still got to
Be in your 30s right
So where y'all at y'all in the old folks
Home already
What you doing
You know
You're over 30 you can't rap no more
And if you under 25 you can't respect
Real emcee still putting it down going
Hard in the paint for him
I know you only riding around listening
To these skinny jean [ __ ] like that's
Real hip hop
Extending the club chasing them young
[ __ ]
I think these radio and club djs are
Spinning that real rebel music
Hell nah
You turned your back on your own
Why don't you grow the [ __ ] up
Won't you
It's only a dozen or so music
[ __ ] is out here struggling to make
Something out of nothing
Don't listen to them new money slaves
But they big budgets in their corporate
Account sponsorship
They ain't sharing it with you
Creativity don't even come from them
They stole
But not until you get the [ __ ] off the
You plantation me
Burn that 360 deal your manager gave me
And throw it in the goddamn garbage
Be a man
Express yourself not your corporate
Say what the [ __ ] i want to say ain't no
Anon sitting in my studio session
Telling me how to act how many bars i'm
Allowed to rap
Let me tell you a secret
Ten thousand bars in the line is how
Many bars we locked us
That's why i say [ __ ] radio
[ __ ] tv
Sopa got me ready to say [ __ ] the
Internet too
We all slaves
You too
Let me tell you something
Whoever decided to put out horseshoe
Attack now
After one year of it already being out
Is a yellow belly son of a [ __ ]
Yeah i said it he was a [ __ ] cow
I did my bed for uncle sam and i was
Trained to touch weapons after active
Duty i put him down
Matter of fact aj smith came and took my
Weapons ain't got no criminal record
So you gotta ask yourself why
Why would a system that you took an oath
To protect
Take away your ability to protect
Yourself and your family
I'll tell you why
They want you to be vulnerable to the
Insidious nature of sabotage and
And put a track out of old pictures of 2
000 old cannons 12 years later is that
Hell no
That's set up [ __ ] and they probably
Already sent the hounds out to catch me
Out in the open hoping the golden is
Something that i react to that'll get me
And then spin it in the rap violence
With some tired ass battle rap going bad
Rhetoric just like they did with big and
That [ __ ] is stupid
He's live for so many decades
Yeah stupid
Because if you can look at everything
That i've done in the name of hip-hop
Music on the stream and say it's my
Fault that i got a struggle in the grind
To make ends meet after everything i've
Dedicated to all the rap
Then i say it's your [ __ ] fault that
The country is [ __ ] up and the job
Market sucks
And entertainment for black males in the
Toilet unless they cross dressing in
Some stupid [ __ ] like that
I said it's your fault you got robbed by
The big banks with foreign shareholders
You lost whatever savings you had in
Money market investments in real estate
I said it's your fault the vets went
Abroad to fight for you came back to the
Shell of what america used to be
The world fears the military in the
United states for good reason
They also laugh at the citizens of this
Country for fair healthy shared breezes
The baby boom generation made every
Generation that came after it looked at
All those tears
All that
Brain all the sweat and the labor
Industry that built this country
Let's not forget all that spilled
My grandparents traded in eighth wall
Once for a penitentiary roster today
That looks like the national debt
Every sport in the country has been
Reformed by some kind of widespread
All this [ __ ] is so much more going on
I make hip-hop for the critical thinker
Not you
Those who enjoy advanced poetry stay up
To speed on what's going on
I keep it moving
Look at the [ __ ] out on the concrete
Touching and
Lying to the youth giving them false
Perceptions of what success is today
So why try to control your man
Don't be upset with me
You didn't create not nearly as much as
It was
So your opinion of it and the people who
Make it don't mean [ __ ]
You heard me you don't mean [ __ ]
Still get it
Ain't got to brag because it's all low
Budget but it's still real
This [ __ ] is big budget and it's all
So don't be mad because there's an
Option for some people the evil don't
Get to win every quarter of every game
Every goddamn time
There should be a balance
Leave the little guy alone
It's always been the same [ __ ] since
Night yet
I ain't no [ __ ]
And if i was i wouldn't lie about it but
You [ __ ]
Mine is your middle [ __ ] name
When i was young i didn't even know how
Corrupt the music business was [ __ ]
Couldn't even bring that [ __ ]
Because of how i would react to it
Because of that they blackballed me
Stole the copyrights to my music in
Front of my mechanical royalties to this
So much injustice against one man
The minute i fight to defend myself
That's when they turn the cameras in the
So you tell me something
What's worse
Justin silva like a superhero for mtv
Like bernie casey did in some b movies
From 80s
Or lying to the entire world probably
Even your own family about some
Undercover relationship with some
[ __ ] on the streets of new york city
Huh y'all got this whole rap [ __ ] [ __ ]
You ain't satisfied until everybody is
Just like
You [ __ ]
The law [ __ ]
Is coming now my name is darren jones
Straight from los angeles from the emcee
Be the poet make sure y'all grab that uh
Lyrical law that's the um
Pre it's a prelude getting ready for the
Ripper jacket ain't that about like a
Million something boys a million
Something bars long man make sure you
Don't grab that you know some people
They need to meet their heroes
She's the numbers all right
Thank you
Take me back what's your name
See that man
All right
That night
What's good all right close it right now
What's good okay
And so much better there you go
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