Rodfæstet translates to ‘Rooted’ from the original Danish. This song is also the only Iceage song with the lyrics completely in Danish.
En sand forbindelse
Rodfæstet i frekvenser
Men nogen bølger springer over linjen
Og efterlader den anden usikker
Efter al denne bekræftelse
Hvordan kan du stadig tvivle
På om rødderne stikker lige dybt
Hvor meget mere vil du have
Hvis du skulle vende ryggen til mig
Hvis du skulle vokse fra mig
Kender jeg ikke den vej jeg skulle gå
Kender jeg ikke den vej
A true connection
Rooted in frequencies
But no waves skipping the line
And leaving the other unsafe
After all this confirmation
How can you still doubt
That the roots dig as deep
How much more do you want
If you were to turn your back on me
If you were to grow from me
I won't not know the way to go
I won't know the way