Shonen Knife
Shonen Knife
Shonen Knife
Shonen Knife
Shonen Knife
Shonen Knife
Shonen Knife
Shonen Knife
Shonen Knife
Shonen Knife
Shonen Knife
Shonen Knife
Let's rock! Let's rock!
Rock society
Let's rock! Let's rock!
Rock society
A man who was [?], people who can't make any progress
Hey everybody, all together its a rock society
A man who stays at home alone, people who are having a party
Hey everybody let's have fun in a rock society
Let's rock! Let's rock!
Rock society
Let's rock! Let's rock!
Rock society
Let's rock! Let's rock!
Rock society
Let's rock! Let's rock!
Rock society
A man who is down on his luck, a man who will be a [?] person
Hey everybody, all together its a rock society
People who have to work all day, celebrity who doesn't have to work
Hey everybody let's have fun in a rock society
Let's rock! Let's rock!
Rock society
Let's rock! Let's rock!
Rock society
Let's rock! Let's rock!
Rock society
Let's rock! Let's rock!
Rock society