Team StarKid & Dylan Saunders
Team StarKid & Chris Allen (actor) & Joseph Walker
Team StarKid
Team StarKid & Jeff Blim
Team StarKid & Nick Lang & Joseph Walker
Team StarKid & Nicholas Joseph Strauss-Matathia & Julia Albain & Lauren Lopez & Jim Povolo & Meredith Stepien & & Dylan Saunders & Denise Donovan
Team StarKid & Jeff Blim & Joseph Walker & Brian Holden
Team StarKid & Brian Holden & Joseph Walker
Team StarKid & Nick Lang & Joseph Walker
This song takes jabs at readers and viewers of Batman for complaining about Robin for a number of petty reasons without considering how the character is actually written or how important he is to developing and defining Batman’s character and lore.
[PIZZA GIRL, spoken]
Oh, yeah. Robin. What do I think about Robin?
Batman's hangin' out with some kid now? What do I think about that, hmm?
What can I say about Robin that hasn't been said already?
It's plain to me that-
I might be the only one who thinks this but-
I'm pretty sure everyone agrees-
Robin sucks!
Batman's a loner, you know? But now he's runnin' around, hangin' out with some kid telling jokes? It's like... ugh, don't do that.
And where's the kid's pants?
The Batman should always be a solitary figure. The concept of a child crime fighter is ridiculous! It ruins the gritty realism of a man who fights crime dressed as a bat!
So say we all. Excelsior!
Batman doesn’t nee a sidekick
Undermines his whole aesthetic
Whole thing just gives me a headache
Robin sucks!
He may be a solid dude
But Batman, he needs solitude
Robin makes him frickin’ cute
Robin sucks!
Tanya said
That Larry said
That Sara said
He wets the bed
He prob'ly does, he’s only ten!
Robin sucks!
Robins aren’t scary
They’re completely ordinary
Might as well call him "Canary"
Freakin’ Robin sucks!
Robins are so common
They’re the state bird of Wisconsin
So, what else do you need to know?
Robin sucks!
Robin Sucks! was written by Scott Lamps & Nick Gage.
Robin Sucks! was produced by StarKid Productions.
Team StarKid released Robin Sucks! on Fri Apr 13 2012.