Maurice the cat (voiced by Hugh Laurie) is introduced singing this song to a town that’s infested with a plague of rats. The song serves to advertise the services of his Pied Piper master (voiced by Himesh Patel), who promptly hypnotizes the rats with his music and leads them into a river. Later it’...
Rats! You've got rats! Rats!
Twitching noses, cunning faces
Hiding in the strangest places
Always gnawing, clawing, picking
Climbing, jumping, spoiling, squeaking
Greedy for your precious treat
They lick their crumbs from off their feet
They undermine your soil and ground
Try to catch them
Rats! You've got rats! Rats! Rats!
Sniveling here, rubbing there
They widdle on your tableware
Try to poison, trap, and chew them
Race and chase and stomp and boot them
They leap with marvelous agility
No beast can match their sheer, uh, ugh, um, adaptability?
Rats! Rats! You've got rats!