Based on the lyrics of “PunJabi” by Wykax, the song revolves around a woman who is confident in her Punjabi identity and proud of her fashion sense. The opening lines suggest that she is deeply ingrained in the heart of the singer and the song is an ode to her. The lyrics “Zindagi Name Ae Tere, Tain...
Ve Tu Ae Dil Wich Mere
Zindagi Name Ae Tere
Tainu Sab Manne Aa
Oh suit aa Punjabi Jatti payi firdi
Saara downtown piche layi firdi
Oh suit aa Punjabi Jatti payi firdi
Saara downtown piche layi firdi
O ronki sabhah di mile hass khid ke
Main dekhi ni kade vi chunni layi sirr di
Shanivar nu Toronto vich maare gediyan
Labhdi aa pakke oh tikkane yaar de
Modan utte khad kudi time chakdi
Kehdi khad'de aa jaan rim teri car de
Modan utte khad kudi time chakdi
Kehdi khad'de aa jaan rim teri car de
Oh .....
Oh suit aa Punjabi Jatti payi firdi
Saara downtown piche layi firdi
PunJabi was produced by Wykax.