Gerard Salas
Gerard Salas
Gerard Salas
Gerard Salas
Gerard Salas
Gerard Salas
Gerard Salas
Gerard Salas
Gerard Salas
Gerard Salas
Gerard Salas
Gerard Salas
Gerard Salas
Gerard Salas
Gerard Salas
Gerard Salas & Soundtrap & John
Gerard Salas
Gerard Salas
Gerard Salas
Soundtrap: Instrumental
John: Hi everyone and welcome to Sountraps podcast show. My name is John and today I’m here with Cacey. Hi Cacey
Gerard: Uh my name is Gerard
John: Casey would you want to tell us what's in today’s program
Gerard: Uh I have no idea okay I don’t give two shits about this heh alright
John: Great, so how about we get started
Gerard: Alright I guess so, hurry up come on um
John: Cool and then what cause we wanted to do this show together right
Gerard: Uh not really but you know like eh it’s like I don’t know
John: And how do we communicate togethеr I mean we have to hеar each other while recording right?
Gerard: Yeah but we have microphones and we can like call and text each other and it’s that good for you
John: Awesome
Soundtrap: Instrumental
John: Casey what are the most important technical thoughts you need to know to start recording
Gerard: I don’t know, I don’t really care but okay. Um, is that is a big idea. Mm is it? Come one like answer right Mmmmmmmmmmm?
John: And I’m here in the right
Gerard: Uh yeah I can see that and I’m here in the left
Soundtrap: Instrumental
John: We’re finally ready to record our podcast Casey I’m so excited to get started
Gerard: This is already our Podcast uh okay okay alright. I don’t care I’m just here to do my podcast. Ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh you hear that ohhhhhhhhhhhh ohhhhhhh ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh
John: Right Casey and to all of our listeners now it’s your turn to record your podcast. Good luck and remember that you can always more advice from us on Soundtrap’s YouTube channel see you there goodbye
Soundtrap & Gerard: Instrumental & du dud dudududu ududud danananana
Podcast was written by Soundtrap & John & Gerard Salas.
Podcast was produced by Soundtrap.