Then, um, 'Pile a l'heure'
Ahh – was composed in the, the soundtrack, for a film – a French film – about dressage. And the end of the last scene, um, I-I had the film ending with the, with the drone
So I turned the drone into, uh, a tapestry for another song, and got the director, give me phrases from dressage in French. And, um... I just took various phrases, had them translated, and inserted them into the song. And the main character of the film was this, um, this female who was obsessed with dressage. So I thought her voice in the film would be, would be...
'Cos, I mean, a lot of obsessions are really dreams. And the song has that sort of vague, um, out of focus quality
Pile a l’heure – commentary was written by John Cale.