This one goes out to anyone
Who’s just been sitting alone one day
And thought to themself
Shout out to you
[Verse 1: Lil El Cuh]
Aiden remetes
He had diabetes
He smells like some feeties
He looks at your feeties
He’s gonna touch wynter
Wait he’s gonna hve sex
Smells like FX
He likes to have Chex mix
Smelling like a bitch
He looks like a fitch
He died in a ditch
And he came back as a finch
Playing Harry Potter cause he likes to flinch
He gonna flinch when trace throws a punch
And makes him
Yo, yo, yo, yo, yo, yo, yo
[Verse 2: 2ooDark]
Yuh yuh yuh
Aiden remetes
The nigga look like some feces bro
Aiden remetes the nigga take DP
Foot up his ass
Sad in class
Gonna shoot up the school
That wasn’t cool
His has a fucking girlfriend nigga
He is white and shit
He likes to say the n word but he’s
He’s white as fuck
I don’t really care cause it’s just a word anyways
[Outro: 2ooDark]
I like to
Wait fuck the tracks over
Nevermind don’t have to be on this piece of shit anymore