Paradise Lost Lyrics

White, silver, blue and green
Beyond our wildest dreams
This golden land we called paradise
We played in blue lagoons
Beneath a rippling moon
This golden land we called paradise

Cool breezes in our hair
Flamingos everywhere
This golden land we called paradise
Too lovely to be true
But what could happen to
This golden land we called paradise

Paradise Lost Q&A

Who wrote Paradise Lost's ?

Paradise Lost was written by Peter Barakan & 坂本龍一 (Ryuichi Sakamoto).

Who produced Paradise Lost's ?

Paradise Lost was produced by 坂本龍一 (Ryuichi Sakamoto).

When did 坂本龍一 (Ryuichi Sakamoto) release Paradise Lost?

坂本龍一 (Ryuichi Sakamoto) released Paradise Lost on Wed Oct 24 1984.

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