“While working at Moanalua Elementary School, we needed something fun for the kindergartners for May Day. It invites children to dance the hula, have fun, and to enjoy each beautiful day that we are given.”
Aloha everybody it's a beautiful day
And here's what we have to say
Kū iluna stand up, come do the hula we'll say
Let's do the `oni`oni ē
Put a hand at your chest, now put a fist at your hips
Now push your hips right around, push them left around
Give a shout, "Hui" come on down
Let's do the `oni`oni ē
Now with a smile on your face, now be sure to concentrate
This song's for everyone who wants to have fun
`Ami to left clap and `ami to the right,
Kāholo and say, "It's a great day!"
This is how we play
`Oni`oni Ē was written by Kuki Kaiwi Navales & Kali Navales.