Not Over You by Conor Maynard
Not Over You by Conor Maynard

Not Over You

Conor Maynard

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Not Over You by Conor Maynard

Release Date
Fri Aug 02 2019
Performed by
Conor Maynard
Produced by
Mirza & Conor Maynard & Aaron Ferrucci
Writed by
Aaron Ferrucci & ANTH & Conor Maynard

Not Over You is a song by Conor Maynard about him trying to come back to his crush after a breakup.

The music video for the song shows Conor himself attempting to embarrass the boyfriend of his ex from the video for the previous song, Hate How Much I Love You, so that he gets her back. Immediately,...

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Not Over You Lyrics

[Verse 1]
I heard you're sleepin' with somebody new
I hope he leaves you, hope he cheats on you
'Cause I'll be right there to hold you when you cry
I hope you lose your job and every cent
So you ain't got enough to pay your rent
But if you need to, you can stay at mine

'Cause even though you left me broke
Yeah, I still think you're beautiful
And I just keep on runnin' back to you, oh-oh
I hate you more than you could know
But I can't seem to let you go
I still love you no matter what you do, eh

You're the beat in my chest turned to cardiac arrest
I know I'm better off without you, oh
You're the key to my heart and you tore that shit apart
I know I should go find someone new
But I'm not over you

[Verse 2]
I blocked your number, yeah, I blocked your calls
And all your stupid friends, I blocked them all
But I made a fake page just to follow you (Oh my God, you creep)
And I've been goin' to the bar you like
I meet a different girl like every night
But all we ever talk about is you

'Cause even though you left me broke
Yeah, I still think you're beautiful
And I just keep on runnin' back to you, oh-oh
I hate you more than you could know
But I can't seem to let you go
I still love you no matter what you do, eh

You're the beat in my chest turned to cardiac arrest
I know I'm better off without you, oh
You're the key to my heart and you tore that shit apart
I know I should go find someone new

No matter what I do or where I go I can't let you go
I hate the fact you know you're irreplaceable
And all I ever hear about is you replacin' me, oh
No matter what I do or where I go I can't let you go
I swear to god, your love is inescapable
And all I ever hear about is how you're over me, eh

You're the beat in my chest (My chest)
Turned to cardiac arrest (Cardiac arrest)
I know I'm better off without you (I'm better off without you, girl)
You're the key to my heart (My heart)
And you tore that shit apart (You tore that shit apart)
I know I should go find someone new (Someone new)
But I'm not over you (But I'm not over you)

No, I'm not over you
No, I'm not over you

Not Over You Q&A

Who wrote Not Over You's ?

Not Over You was written by Aaron Ferrucci & ANTH & Conor Maynard.

Who produced Not Over You's ?

Not Over You was produced by Mirza & Conor Maynard & Aaron Ferrucci.

When did Conor Maynard release Not Over You?

Conor Maynard released Not Over You on Fri Aug 02 2019.

How did the song come to life?

This is a very international song. There was multiple days where it was worked on and it was in all different cities around the world. The melodies and the chords were put together in Jamaica, the lyrics were written in Florida—in Tampa—and the production was finished in London and Copenhagen.


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Is the song about something Conor was going through?

I wouldn’t say this song in particular was something that I was going through at the time, but it’s something I’ve definitely, definitely been through in my life.

I think it’s so revolved around that situation you’re in where you so badly want to convince yourself that you’re over someone and that...

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What's Conor's advice for getting over someone?

For me, the only thing that’s ever proven to help get over someone is just time. There is nothing you can do, there’s no amount of partying or self-finding that you can do that I think really helps you. It just takes time. You have to kind of go through the motions, except that it hurts—it’s going t...

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