[Skit: arboretym]
What? Are- are you fucking kidding me? It's 9:50 right now and Chipotle closes at 10 o' clock PM. Why are you closed already I want my fucking Chipotle bowl right now with my tortilla. Like, you haven't even put anything away yet. I'm literally watching you right now, with all the food still on the line. What are you doing right now? You're not even cleaning the station like, you're literally not cleaning anything. I fucking hate you Chipotle. I just wanted to come in, get some steak, some corn salsa, maybe some cheese. But no, no no no no no, you had to close at 9:50
no healthy upstream was written by Ilysian.
no healthy upstream was produced by Ilysian.
Ilysian released no healthy upstream on Mon Feb 24 2020.