NFWMB by Hozier
NFWMB by Hozier


Hozier * Track #19 On Wasteland, Baby! (Deluxe)

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NFWMB by Hozier

Release Date
Sun Sep 09 2018
Performed by
Produced by
Hozier & Markus Dravs
Writed by

“NFWMB”, or “Nothing Fucks With My Baby”, is a “love song for the end of the world”, sonically tender and reflective.
When introducing “NFWMB” at his London concert on December 12th, Hozier explained:
“This song is about watching the world burn and realising that the person next to you is completely...

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NFWMB Lyrics

[Verse 1]
When I first saw you
The end was soon
To Bethlehem, it slouched
And then, must've caught a good look at you
Give your heart and soul to charity
'Cause the rest of you
The best of you
Honey, belongs to me

Ain't it a gentle sound, the rolling in the graves?
Ain't it like thunder under earth, the sound it makes?
Ain't it exciting you, the rumble where you lay?
Ain't you my baby, ain't you my baby?

Nothing fucks with my baby
Nothing can get a look in on my baby
Nothing fucks with my baby
Nothing, nothing, nothing, nothing

[Verse 2]
If I was born as a blackthorn tree
I'd wanna be felled by you
Held by you
Fuel the pyre of your enemies

Ain't it warming you, the world gone up in flames?
Ain't it the life of you, your lighting of the blaze?
Ain't it a waste they'd watch the throwing of the shade?
Ain't you my baby, ain't you my babe?

Nothing fucks with my baby
Nothing can get a look in on my baby
Nothing fucks with my baby
Nothing, nothing, nothing, nothing
Nothing fucks with my baby
Nothing can get a look in on my baby
Nothing fucks with my baby
Nothing, nothing, nothing, nothing
Nothing fucks with my baby
Nothing can get a look in on my baby
Nothing fucks with my baby
Nothing, nothing, nothing, nothing


Who wrote NFWMB's ?

NFWMB was written by Hozier.

Who produced NFWMB's ?

NFWMB was produced by Hozier & Markus Dravs.

When did Hozier release NFWMB?

Hozier released NFWMB on Sun Sep 09 2018.

What does NFWMB stand for?

The song title is an acronym for the central line of the chorus, Nothing Fucks With My Baby.

What is your opinion on there being explicit language in this song?

I think any bad language I do use is used in very good faith. So, hopefully people will read it that way. But for radio, we’ll burn those bridges.

– Hozier (Source : Hozier On NFWMB)

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