Muslim V Atheist | Response | #JihadOnIgnorance by Talk Islam
Muslim V Atheist | Response | #JihadOnIgnorance by Talk Islam

Muslim V Atheist | Response | #JihadOnIgnorance

Talk Islam

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Muslim V Atheist | Response | #JihadOnIgnorance by Talk Islam

Release Date
Sun Jan 26 2014
Performed by
Talk Islam
Produced by
Talk Islam
Writed by

Muslim V Atheist | Response | #JihadOnIgnorance Annotated

…News Article Headline…
“Almost two Sydney women a week are converting to Islam..”


…New Chat Message…

She responded…
Ooh Emm Gee..
What do I do..

Jaclyn Glenn:
“He keeps his tone and sentiment throughout his video..”

I could be aggressive this time and then maybe she won’t respond again..

…A Thought…
“You think you can just make a video response..”

That’s probably not gonna work..
Hmmm..maybe I could tell people to dislike her video but then she’s just gonna get rid of her dislike bar..

What do I do..
What do I do..
What do I do..

I’ll just respond how it tells me to respond from the Quran..

Oh, there we go..

“When the ignorant address them, they say words of peace”.

(And the servants of the Most Merciful are those who walk upon the earth easily, and when the ignorant address them [harshly], they say [words of] peace,)
Quran - Al-Furqan (The Criterian) 25:63

I’ll respond using words of peace..
I knew You would know the answer.

The Quran - Quran Project

I noticed you were clearly upset that I didn’t respond to most of the claims that were made in your previous video.

Well, you see the same way you quickly dismissed the comments of Krauss - because “He’s not your Prophet”. I too will dismiss any unreferenced claims about Islam - that have nothing to do with my Prophet nor my Holy Book. But nevertheless, I see that you’ve learnt from your mistakes this time and actually tried to pick out a few quotes from the Quran and the Prophet – through the use of “WikiIslam”..

“Your online source on Islam - that anyone can edit”.

Real Authentic…..

How about we start with this..
The Real authentic source on Islam - that No One Can Edit - nor has anyone been able to in the past 1400 years.
(The Quran - The final Revelation of God to Mankind)

Now although you haven’t got any qualifications in Islamic Scholarship, the Quran, Arabic nor even in the sciences of Hadith to be fairly commenting on either, I will be using this video as a means of basic education not only for yourself but for the vast majority of people that are actually interested in learning the truth.

So let’s begin.

Now - In regards to the marriage of A'isha..

We’ve already answered this before.

Talk Islam - Jesus V Muhammad!! | Muslim Response | Misconceptions

But since I’m now responding to an Atheist who doesn’t believe in God and therefore has no objective code of morality.
(Friedrich Nietzsche - No God = No Objective Morality)

You are in no position to Objectively determine what is the morally acceptable age of marriage in a 6th Century Arabian desert. Especially when the only morals you hold are those that are subjective and are constantly changing over time in accordance with new ideas, opinions and cultures.

So something that is wrong for you today just as well might be right for you tomorrow.
Example: Consensual incest.

Atheist Lawrence Krauss on Incest
YouTube - Lawrence Krauss vs Hamza Tzortzis - Islam vs Atheism Debate

While on the other hand, we do have our own objective moral code (The Quran).
(Forbidden for you are your mothers, your daughters, and your sisters…Surat An-Nisa’ (The Women) 4:23)

Which not only prohibits incest, but also prohibits the consummation of marriage with any individual who has not yet reached maturity.
(Reaching the age of Maturity - Quran 4:6, Quran 4:25, Quran 24:59)

So despite her age, she was mature.

Jaclyn Glenn:
“People try to tell me that back then kids actually grew faster..
Are you kidding?”..

No, we’re not kidding you.

The French Philosopher Montesquieu, who just like yourself, was a staunch critic of Islam and religion in general. – Stated in the Spirit of Laws, which was used in developing the American constitution - that “in hot climates (such as a 6th Century Arabian desert) women are marriageable at 8, 9 or 10 years of age, while by the age of 20 a woman would be considered old”.

Book 16 Page 251 - The Spirit of Laws by Charles Baron De Montesquieu

So if you do want to comment on the Prophet’s marital relations, please learn your history.

Now, in regards to the comments of..
“The Flying Spaghetti Monster”

We’re Muslims – and if you know anything about Islam – you would know that Muslims believe that there is No God..

No man God..
No animal God..
No Idol..
No Statue..
Not even a Holy Trinity..
Nothing – Except the One and only Creator – who is outside the scope of time, space and matter.

Unlike anything imaginable and the Absolute Cause of the beginning of this Universe…

Talk Islam - Who Is God? - Allah, Jesus Or Eminem…

Now since everything else that begins requires a cause – believing in a cause for our Universe is not only a rational belief but a natural belief.

(‘We cannot run away from a cosmic beginning’ - Alexander Vilenkin.
'Belief in god is part of human nature’ - Oxford Study - The Telegraph)

While believing that something can come from nothing – is not only unnatural but requires a gigantic leap of faith.

*Clicks fingers*
(Iphone appears)

You then move on to criticise the Doctrine of Jihad, which we have already addressed before.

Talk Islam - Jesus V Muhammad!! | Muslim Response | Misconceptions

So in case you don’t know what Jihad means, let me teach you.

Because it might interest you to know that I’m actually performing Jihad right now…

Jihad against…


See the word Jihad when translated from Arabic means “struggle”.

Whether it be a struggle against..
and of course

See, the Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) said..
That the best Jihad is a word of truth in the face of a tyrant ruler.
(Source: The best Jihad is to say a word of truth before a tyrant ruler. - Sunan Abu Dawud, Hadith No. 4344)

For he was a man that would perform jihad both physically and financially, a man who would never say No, when asked to give in charity – even if it meant that, he would have no food left over in his house and was to fast the entire day. And even when he did, he would never let the nightfall until he had ensured that there was no food or wealth left over, except that it was given away in charity.

And by the way, following the Doctrine of Jihad - Muslims have been labelled as the most charitable people in the entire UK.

But then again yes, as expected jihad is also physical fighting..

Now although Islam is a peaceful religion - Islam is not a pacifist religion – It is a religion of realism, that recognises that evil does indeed exist in this Earth. Whether it be tyrant regimes that drone entire cities, or cruel dictators that besiege towns under army blockades leaving people starving to death.

So for this reason Islam made Physical force permissible to defeat evil.
(Permission (to fight) has been given to those who are being fought, because they were wronged. - Quran 22:39)

However since Islam is a religion of peace, Physical force too comes with strict conditions and ethics to prevent unnecessary harm.

Talk Islam - Jesus V Muhammad!! | Muslim Response | Misconceptions

Now to the doctrine of Martyrdom.

( ( ( B O O M M M ) ) )

You see it sounds so scary, when we don’t know what it’s talking about – so let’s find out exactly what it’s referring to.

According to the Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) - he who dies while defending either..
His property..
His life..
His faith
His family – is a martyr.
[Conditions of type of martyr - Abu Dawud and At-Tirmidhi].

And quite frankly, there’s nothing wrong with this.

I mean those who have died while defending such causes have always been labelled as heroes not only in Hollywood but in real life.
(Rachel Corrie - Bulldozed to death while protecting Palestinian homes from Israel)

So what difference does it make when they’re Muslim.

Oh, wait….

Muslims get Paradise.

Isn’t that a good thing?

Let me put it to you this way.

Both you and I are standing in a country where the citizens are being oppressed.
Both you and I are here because we love to help people.
But what happens when in order to help people, there is a strong possibility that the two of us are going to die.

Now while many others would favour the safety of their own lives, and choose to run away.
(This does not neglect the fact that many Non Muslims will also stay though. A Muslim just has a Greater incentive.)

A Muslim would have the incentive to stay – and actually help others hence making Muslims more effective in protecting the vulnerable. The religion of peace.

But what about apostasy?

See if you knew anything about Islam, you would know that Islam is not only a religion that governs the lives of individuals but also society in general – when there Is an Islamically governed society, Islam should have rules in place to protect its citizens and its borders. And apostasy as understood by many leading Islamic thinkers was not to limit freedom of private and personal conscience decisions but rather to prevent acts of rebellion and treason against the state.

If you look into the life of Muhammad (pbuh), you would realise that not a single person was killed for merely changing his or her private religion but only once they came out publicly in an act of treason and treachery cooperating with the enemies to either harm the Muslims or Islam were they ever punished.
(Not a single innocent human being was punished but you won’t read that on WikiIslam)

And even before this could even take place, they are afforded the fair trial and hearing before a court - where in most instances they afforded the right to repent and be granted forgiveness.

You see Islam was practicing the rules of natural justice and open hearing, along with leniency – before such legal codes were even introduced – and it was for such reasons that Muhammad (pbuh) earned his title as one of the greatest lawgivers of all time.

And in all honesty, capital punishment for the act of treason is nothing new, matter of fact it’s still happening today in the very country you yourself are living in whereby your own citizens could and would most likely be killed for treason and conspiracy against the state.
(18 U.S.C § 2381 : US Code - Section 2381: Treason)

And as much as you try to label Islam as a religion, that kills people on the basis of being Non Muslim…
(Killing Non Muslims? - Baseless claim.)

There are 1.7 Billion Muslims alive today with 1 in 4 people being Muslim - so if this really was the case, don’t you think that we would all be dead by now.

See, the Quran actually permits us to be kind to non-Muslims so as long as they…
a) Don’t try to fight us because of our religion
b) Don’t try to drive us out of our homes.
(Allah does not forbid you from those who do not fight you because of religion and do not expel you from your homes - from being righteous toward them. - Holy Quran verse 60:8)

That’s a pretty fair deal.

And even still – the Quran on multiple occasions – highlights the importance of forgiving those who do wrong to you.
(“…and let them pardon and overlook. Would you not like that Allah should forgive you? And Allah is Forgiving and Merciful.” - Quran 24:22)

Look into the life of Muhammad (pbuh) – For instance in the conquest of Makkah, whereby he entered a city which had persecuted, tortured, boycotted and even tried to assassinate the Messenger on multiple occasions – yet he entered the city with his head lowered stating that today is the day of forgiveness.
(Read The Conquest of Makkah. The Sealed Nectar (Ar-Raheequl Makhtum) Biography of the Noble Prophet - Saifiur Rahman Al-Mubarakpuri)

Now – your final comment.

Jaclyn Glenn:
“There’s highly destructive technology out there and one person can ruin the lives of millions”..

Okay this, is when it get’s a bit creepy.

Jaclyn Glenn:
“But we don’t have 5 or 600 years to figure this out”..

What exactly are you insinuating.

Because it sure sounds to me that, you’re reiterating the exact same thoughts and sentiments that the “Award Winning Atheist” Sam Harris used to justify his suggestion that a pre-emptive nuclear strike on the Muslim world killing tens of millions of innocent civilians in a single day is justified.
(The only thing likely to ensure our survival may be a nuclear first strike of your own. Needless to say, this would be an unthinkable crime-as it would kill tens of millions of innocent civilians in a single day-but it may be the only course of action available to us, Page 128-129 - The End of Faith - Sam Harris)

Which is funny since history clearly shows that the only one who has actually used nuclear weapons in the past – is the very country you and Sam call home. And you can go ahead and disassociate yourself from such comments and actions as much as you like, but the fact of the matter is – A Godless society caters for such ideas - whereby tyrannical governments play the role of God and do what they wish when they wish being held accountable to no one but themselves – This is exactly why we’ve seen Atheists such as Stalin commit the atrocities he did.

And this is why we saw Christopher Hitchins support the illegal Iraq war, which led to the deaths of over a million people including over 500,000 innocent children.

So before you want to talk about Islam serving a risk to humanity, please have some humility.

Islam is not a threat to humanity.
Islam is a mercy to humanity, Islam is peace.

And no matter what you say
How you say it.

We will continue..

Muslim V Atheist | Response | #JihadOnIgnorance Q&A

Who produced Muslim V Atheist | Response | #JihadOnIgnorance's ?

Muslim V Atheist | Response | #JihadOnIgnorance was produced by Talk Islam.

When did Talk Islam release Muslim V Atheist | Response | #JihadOnIgnorance?

Talk Islam released Muslim V Atheist | Response | #JihadOnIgnorance on Sun Jan 26 2014.

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