Moon Dog by Pentangle
Moon Dog by Pentangle

Moon Dog

Pentangle * Track #21 On Sweet Child

Moon Dog Lyrics

He's a beggar on a street corner
To most passersby that's all he is
Playing a black pawnbroker
Moon Dog is

But to me he's somethin' special
As he sits alone a-playin' his drum
If I play he's right here with me
Moon Dog is

All you people who did see him
Won't you tell me what I missed
By never seein' this son of rhythm
'Cause that's what Moon Dog is?

Moon Dog Q&A

Who wrote Moon Dog's ?

Moon Dog was written by Terry Cox.

Who produced Moon Dog's ?

Moon Dog was produced by Shel Talmy.

When did Pentangle release Moon Dog?

Pentangle released Moon Dog on Fri Nov 01 1968.

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