The first building block in a relationship is communication, I have struggled with this one in the past.. But I am working on it
We have all been there, in love. Now, there are three components to having a good, working relationship... here they are
(Number one)
Sometimes things get lost in the silence
I wish you would just help me out with
C-O-M-M-U-N-I-C-A-T-I-O-N (Communication)
(Yeah) That's right because without it
The floor will start to rumble
And we will start to crumble
Say what you need to say
You have to inform me
We need the communication
Lines to be open (Lines to be open)
If something is going on
Please, please, please
Don't lean me on
Tell me what it is, I wanna help you
Please please please
Just let me know
I promise that this isn't all for show
I really wanna help
But I can't when you don't use...
Communication, the strongest building block
Communicate, build the trust
Communicate, keep it open