Chuck Berry
Chuck Berry
Chuck Berry
Chuck Berry
Chuck Berry
Chuck Berry
Chuck Berry
Chuck Berry
Chuck Berry
Chuck Berry
Chuck Berry
Chuck Berry
[Verse 1]
I'm as free as a bird now
As flighty as a bumblebee
I'm here today and gone tomorrow
Footloose child and fancy free
I'm absolutely independent
Nothing at all is gonna worry me
[Verse 2]
I believe I was born to travel
The open road is going to bring me close
You come to know some way-out people
To say the least, I dig the most
Who live and love across both borders
Trip, East and West from coast to coast
[Verse 3]
I only have one cradle to rock now
I'm gonna rock it everywhere I go
From St. Louis to San Francisco
Ah, from Canada to Mexico
I'm gonna let my cradle rock now
Until it just won't rock no more
Louie to Frisco was written by Chuck Berry.
Louie to Frisco was produced by Chuck Berry.