The March Violets
The March Violets
The March Violets
The March Violets
The March Violets
The March Violets
The March Violets
The March Violets
The March Violets
The March Violets
The March Violets
The March Violets
The March Violets
The March Violets
The March Violets
The March Violets
Mind the gap
There's a wall of water coming up the strand
There's a wave of anger fowing through this land
Behind the barricades there's a violet sound
Pumping out of the underground
The night that london drowned
London's drowning ~ and the waves come in
And the waves come in ~ and the waves come in
Everyone fall down
London's drowning ~ and the waves come in
And the waves come in ~ and the waves come in
Everyone fall down
Well they took all your money ~ took it and spent it all
Called it capital investment ~ building a fucking wall
London's drowning ~ and the waves come in
And the waves come in ~ and the waves come in
Everyone falling down
London's drowning ~ and the waves come in
And the waves come in ~ and the waves come in
Everyone fall down now
And the rats are leaving ~ the fattest rats remain
King Canute in a business suit ~ circling the drain
And the money makers ~ and the movers and shakers
Wait for the very last minute ~ look out
London's drowning ~ everyone falls down
London's drowning ~ everyone falls down
London's drowning ~ watch the wall fall down
London's drowning ~ watch the rain pour down
London's drowning ~ in a sea of sin
London's drowning ~ and the karma kicks in
London's drowning ~ as the walls cave in
London's drowning ~ and so it begins
London's drowning ~ in a sea of sin
London's drowning ~ and so it begins
And the waves come in ~ and the waves come in
And the waves come in
London's drowning