Adrienne Rich
Adrienne Rich
Adrienne Rich
Adrienne Rich
Adrienne Rich
Adrienne Rich
Adrienne Rich
Adrienne Rich
Adrienne Rich
Adrienne Rich
Adrienne Rich
Adrienne Rich
Adrienne Rich
Adrienne Rich
Adrienne Rich
Adrienne Rich
Adrienne Rich
Adrienne Rich
Adrienne Rich
Adrienne Rich
Reading the Parable of the Cave
while living in the cave,
black moss,
deadening my footsteps
candles stuck on rock-ledges
weakening my eys
These things around me, with their
daily requirements:
fill me, empty me,
talk to me, warm me, let me
suck on you.
Every one of them has a plan that depends on me
stalactites want to become
veins of ore
imagine their preciousness
candles see themselves disembodied
into gas
and taking flight
the bat hangs dreaming
of an airy world
None of them, not one
sees me
as I see them.
Living in the Cave was written by Adrienne Rich.