Let's Misbehave by Cole Porter
Let's Misbehave by Cole Porter

Let’s Misbehave

Cole Porter * Track #6 On Anything Goes

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Let's Misbehave by Cole Porter

Performed by
Cole Porter

This song was originally written for the 1927 Broadway musical Paris, but was discarded in favor of “Let’s Do It (Let’s Fall in Love)”.

Let’s Misbehave Lyrics

We're all alone
No chaperon
Can get our number
The world's in slumber
Let's misbehave!

There's something wild
About you, child
That's so contagious
Let's be outrageous
Let's misbehave!

When Adam won Eve's hand
He wouldn't stand
For teasin'
He didn't care about
Those apples out of season!

They say the Spring
Means just one thing
To little lovebirds;
We're not above birds
Let's misbehave!

Let's misbehave!
Let's misbehave!

If you'd be just so sweet
And only meet
Your fate, dear
'Twould be the great
Event of nineteen twenty eight
Let's misbehave!

Let's misbehave!

Let’s Misbehave Q&A

Who wrote Let’s Misbehave's ?

Let’s Misbehave was written by 2Pac.

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