Half Japanese
Half Japanese
Half Japanese
Half Japanese
Half Japanese
Half Japanese
Half Japanese
Half Japanese
Half Japanese
Half Japanese
Half Japanese
Half Japanese
I used to wonder, but now I know
The time is right this time to let it show
Let it shine and let it grow
Don't wait any longer
Don't do it
Well, don't wait until it's too late
We've got ice cream and apple pie on our plate
And when it's over, it's over, and when it's done, it's done
Don't wait, let it show
I used to ponder until I knew
The time had come for it to grow and grew
Totally total, through and through
Don't wait any longer
Don't wait anymore
Do not wait until it's over
It's due time to find that four leaf clover
Don't wait until it's over, and over, and over, and over, and done
Let it shine
Let it show