Tom Snow & & & & Paul Castree & Hunter Foster & Artie Harris & & & Robin Baxter & & & & Rosalind Brown & Catherine Cox & Kathy Deitch & Stacy Francis & Tom Plotkin & Dee Hoty & Stephen Lee Anderson & Jennifer Laura Thompson & Jeremy Kushnier
Tom Snow & Jennifer Laura Thompson & & &
Tom Snow & Jeremy Kushnier
Tom Snow & Jeremy Kushnier & Rosalind Brown & Kathy Deitch & Stacy Francis
Tom Snow & Catherine Cox & Dee Hoty
Tom Snow & Rosalind Brown & Kathy Deitch & Stacy Francis & Jennifer Laura Thompson
Tom Snow & Stephen Lee Anderson
Tom Snow & Stephen Lee Anderson & Jeremy Kushnier
Tom Snow & Robin Baxter
Tom Snow & Stacy Francis & Jennifer Laura Thompson & Robin Baxter
Tom Snow & Dee Hoty
Tom Snow & Tom Plotkin & Hunter Foster & Paul Castree & Artie Harris & Jeremy Kushnier
Tom Snow & Jeremy Kushnier & Jennifer Laura Thompson
Tom Snow & Jeremy Kushnier & Tom Plotkin & Hunter Foster & Artie Harris & Paul Castree
Tom Snow & Stephen Lee Anderson
Tom Snow & Stephen Lee Anderson
Tom Snow & Jennifer Laura Thompson & Jeremy Kushnier & Kathy Deitch & Rosalind Brown & Stacy Francis & Tom Plotkin & Artie Harris & Hunter Foster & Paul Castree
Both mothers are pressured not to speak their minds. Vi is the wife of the town pastor, who is a respected member of the community, and knows she shouldn’t contradict him in front of anyone else, but isn’t listened to at home. Ethel and her son Ren are staying in the house of an aunt and uncle whose...
Swallowing my words
Staring at the floor
Counting little cracks in the tile
Struggling to smile without choking
Learning to be silent
Watching how the dust
Dances out the door
Noticing my hands start to shake
Contemplating taking up smoking
Learning to be silent
Vi & Ethel
Always hearing
"Hush, Ethel!"
"Please, Vi!"
Vi & Ethel
"Let's not have this conversation"
And so I stand by
While my mind takes a small vacation
Vi & Ethel
La la la la la la la la
Making little sounds
Other folks ignore
Quieting the beat of my heart
Never being part of the moment
Vi & Ethel
Learning to be silent
Learning there are some topics that we don't even mention
And if they come up, then we try to be vague
There are subjects from which we divert all attention
And some we avoid like the plague
Vi & Ethel
Becoming a mime
Biting my tongue
Biding my time
Trying not to scream
Managed it before
Vi & Ethel
Knowing if I'm going to survive
Then, dammit
I've got to practice
Vi & Ethel
Learning hmm hmm hmm
Learning to Be Silent was written by Dean Pitchford & Tom Snow.