Lady In a Glass Dress (Interlude) by Chris Brown
Lady In a Glass Dress (Interlude) by Chris Brown

Lady In a Glass Dress (Interlude)

Chris Brown * Track #11 On X

Lady In a Glass Dress (Interlude) Lyrics

(Hey DJ)

Lady in a glass dress
I can see right through you
You act like you don't want this
But you know that you do
Since he broke your heart, girl
You say you'll never love again
And you won't let it stop, girl
But we know in the end

You still dream, dream
You still dream, dream
Baby, I can make your dreams come true
Oh, oh, my lady in a glass dress
Ooh, ooh

Lady In a Glass Dress (Interlude) Q&A

Who wrote Lady In a Glass Dress (Interlude)'s ?

Lady In a Glass Dress (Interlude) was written by Chris Brown & Sam Hook & DJ Camper.

Who produced Lady In a Glass Dress (Interlude)'s ?

Lady In a Glass Dress (Interlude) was produced by DJ Camper.

When did Chris Brown release Lady In a Glass Dress (Interlude)?

Chris Brown released Lady In a Glass Dress (Interlude) on Tue Sep 16 2014.

Why is the song only 1 minute and 5 seconds?

It was cut short after the first verse for the album, but Chris released the version of the song in 2016 after getting many requests to.

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