Kyle (i found you) Lyrics

In this smoking chaos
Our shoulder blades kissed
I found you

I found you
I found you
I found you beautiful
I found you exploding
I found you

I found you
I found you
I found you beautiful
I found you exploding
I found

I found you

I found, I found
I found you

Your head shakes out your heart
You're pullin' yourself apart
With sweat bleedin' down
I found you, ayy
I found you
With the calm across your face (I found you)
Look at the state you got this place (I found you)
I was outside my mind, but I found
I found, I found
(I want you to see me, Fred, I'm here)

I found you
I found you
And I still remember
I found, I found
I found, I found

I found you
I found you
I found you beautiful
I found you exploding
I found you

In this smoking chaos
Our shoulder blades kissed

Kyle (i found you) Q&A

Who wrote Kyle (i found you)'s ?

Kyle (i found you) was written by Kyle Tran Myhre & Fred again.. & Benjamin Gibson.

Who produced Kyle (i found you)'s ?

Kyle (i found you) was produced by Fred again...

When did Fred again.. release Kyle (i found you)?

Fred again.. released Kyle (i found you) on Tue Jan 22 2019.

What did Fred again.. say about "Kyle (i found you)"?

Kyle was this guy who I found at an open mic poetry night and he did this unbelievably beautiful thing about meeting this girl for the first time. Describing the bar as tho it was like a war zone of like absolute chaos. The line “in this smoking chaos our shoulder blades kissed” is as close to perfe...

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What have the artists said about the song?

This was the first tune I made for the project, and the vocal is from Kyle Tran Myhre, a poet I found on Instagram who goes by the name of Guante. The sample is him reading at an open-mic night, and he has such a beautifully nervous but lovable spirit. Musically, it’s quite influenced by a few night...

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