Dan Gareau
Ernesto Lara
Mary Katherine Graf
Steven Powell &
Zach Powers
Elissa Malcohn
Neumatron &
SAFR Productions
Timmy Beckman & &
Earth Mars Group
Static Munch
Eleanor, Dahbes, Alexyay, Maya, Zubin, Timon, Jackie & Tom McFadden &
Li’l Soul & MC Grand Ave. &
Jacob Poole-Diamonds & Todd Beard
American Society for Biochemistry and Molecular Biology & Geoff Hunt
Glen Paul & Novl. & Faust
Todd Beard
Apeldin Aghassi
This rap received “Honorable Mention” as part of a science rap contest sponsored by PBS’s NewsHour. The contest was inspired by Rap Genuis’s Science Genius project.
To learn more about The American Society for Biochemistry and Molecular Biology, visit their website.
Now introducing our boy Muhammad Allele
You got a genetic defect? He know how you feel
When your health is acting funny and you need the real skinny
He's the mouse you want to turn to, not Mickey or Minnie
If you're studying a gene but you don't know how it works
Knock that sucker out and see if he got any quirks
Float like a butterfly, sting like a bee
But mess with his genome and he act like ODB
Don't call it a comeback, he's been doing this for years
The reigning champ for understanding the science of our fears
Better than a mutant, got no partial function, nope
So you never got to worry 'bout him pulling a Rope-A-Dope
As a model, he's the greatest, beating fly, fish or rat
Can study cancer, aging, memory, movement, vision, diet and fat
So when the next challenger steps up, bringing disease in your house
Get in the ring, sound the bell, and all hail the knockout mouse
Knockout Mouse in Ya House was produced by Science Genius & Public Broadcasting Service & NewsHour.