Just for Me Lyrics

[Instrumental Intro]

[Verse 1]
Today, as the world carries on its grind
I just have to stop, find my peace of mind (Just for me)
And soon, the world was a different place
Appeared to have changed its ugly face (Just for me)

This day, how very strange it seems
This day, the air is full of dreams

[Verse 2]
Today, through the colours of blue and green
I let my mind slowly drift off and dream (Just for me)
And there, I saw trees reaching to the sky
And birds full of colour and flying high (Just for me)

This day, how very strange it seems
This day, the air is full of dreams

[Instrumental Outro]

Just for Me Q&A

Who wrote Just for Me's ?

Just for Me was written by Mike Hugg.

Who produced Just for Me's ?

Just for Me was produced by Shel Talmy.

When did Manfred Mann release Just for Me?

Manfred Mann released Just for Me on Fri Mar 15 1968.

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