Intro by Bobby Creekwater
Intro by Bobby Creekwater


Bobby Creekwater * Track #1 On Revenge

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Intro by Bobby Creekwater

Release Date
Fri Jul 01 2011
Performed by
Bobby Creekwater

Intro Lyrics

Excuse me?
Is it ok that I smoke in here?
It's- It's cool?
Thank You
(lights cigarette)
Ok here's the thing
I don't know what you guys did to provoke this man
But you did

I mean here's a guy all by his lonesome
Develops a plan so everybody can eat, everybody could be happy
You motherfuckers could make a lot of money and the gods where pleased
And you come along and get greedy
Not only where you greedy but you wanted to cut this guy out of the plan that he developed!
I don't know what type of shit that is but you know, I mean you guys know better
At least you think you did
Now you motherfuckers come to me for information
Your in the weakest state
You're running around like chickens who got their heads chopped off
And this guy, this fuckin guy man
Now this guy wants revenge

I don't know who you are
I don't know what you want
But what I do have are a very particular set of skills;
Skills I have acquired over a very long career
Skills that make me a nightmare for people like you
I will find you, and I will kill you

Intro Q&A

When did Bobby Creekwater release Intro?

Bobby Creekwater released Intro on Fri Jul 01 2011.

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