I'm Outta Time by Oasis
I'm Outta Time by Oasis

I’m Outta Time

Oasis * Track #5 On Dig Out Your Soul

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I'm Outta Time by Oasis

Release Date
Mon Dec 01 2008
Performed by
Produced by
Dave Sardy
Writed by
Liam Gallagher

“I’m Outta Time” was released as the second single off Dig Out Your Soul. In 2010 it was included in the singles collection Time Flies… 1994-2009.

Written by Liam Gallagher, he would famously introduce it as “… the new Wonderwall” when playing it live on the Dig Out Your Soul World Tour.

I’m Outta Time Lyrics

La la la la laaa
La la la la laaa
La la la la laaa
La la la la laaa

[Verse 1]
Here's a song
It reminds me of when we were young
Looking back at all the things we've done
You gotta keep on keeping on

Out to sea
Is the only place I honestly
Can get myself some piece of mind
You know it's getting hard to fly

If I'm to fall
Would you be there to applaud
Or would you hide behind them all
'Cause if I have to go
In my heart you grow
And that's where you belong

If I'm to fall
Would you be there to applaud
Or would you hide behind them all
'Cause if I have to go
In my heart you grow
And that's where you belong

If I'm to fall
Would you be there to applaud
Or would you hide behind them all
'Cause if I have to go
In my heart you grow
And that's where you belong

Guess I'm out of time
I'm out of time
I'm out of time
I'm out of time
I'm out of time

(As Churchill said
It's every Englishman's inalienable right to live where the hell he likes
What's it going to do, vanish?
Is it not going to be there when I get back?)

I’m Outta Time Q&A

Who wrote I’m Outta Time's ?

I’m Outta Time was written by Liam Gallagher.

Who produced I’m Outta Time's ?

I’m Outta Time was produced by Dave Sardy.

When did Oasis release I’m Outta Time?

Oasis released I’m Outta Time on Mon Dec 01 2008.

What did Oasis say about "I'm Outta Time"?

Noel on the song’s placement on the record track:

There’s a kind of piano-y, John Lennon-y obligatory plod-away song in the middle, which Liam wrote, and that’s to break up the two sides (of the album) which are pretty intense, and it’s full-on from the start to finish.

Liam on his songwriting abi...

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