Hidden Instrumental by Linkin Park
Hidden Instrumental by Linkin Park

Hidden Instrumental

Linkin Park * Track #7 On Hybrid Theory EP

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Hidden Instrumental by Linkin Park

Performed by
Linkin Park
Produced by
Mike Shinoda
Writed by
Mike Shinoda

When listeners stay after the end of “Part of Me”, at the 9:59 mark, a hidden instrumental plays. While the song doesn’t have a name as Mike Shinoda considers it a part of “Part of Me”, many fans have titled the instrumental as “Ambient” and “Secret.”

Hidden Instrumental Lyrics

Lyrics for this song have yet to be released

Hidden Instrumental Q&A

Who wrote Hidden Instrumental's ?

Hidden Instrumental was written by Mike Shinoda.

Who produced Hidden Instrumental's ?

Hidden Instrumental was produced by Mike Shinoda.

What did Linkin Park say about "Hidden Instrumental"?

Mike Shinoda has talked about the song throughout the years.

In 2002, while talking in the Linkin Park chat room on their website, Shinoda acknowledged that the song sounded like a video game theme and wasn’t planned as such.

In September 2020 on his Twitch channel, he debunked a rumor of it being...

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