"The heart is deceitful above all things, and desperately wicked: who can know it?
I the Lord search the heart, I try the reins, even to give every man according to his ways, and according to the fruit of his doings."
[Verse 1]
It's so calm like a [?]
So hard to get through
All my life breeze gets hazing
But I'd be lost with you
But in your eyes I still seek the best of me, darling
Oh yeah!
I try my best, don't blame it all on me
'Cause I just feel like...
Your heart of stone, girl
Messing up my moves
You got a full disclosure
California pools
[Verse 2]
It's so bright like a [?]
When you're out of the bloom
Are we about to have the same old heart, baby?
Please [?] doom
In your eyes I still seek the best of me, darling
Oh yeah!
I try my best, don't blame it all on me
'Cause I just feel like...
Your heart of stone, girl
Messing up my moves
You got a full disclosure
California pools
Your heart of stone, girl
Messing up my moves
You got a full disclosure
California pools
Your heart of stone, girl
Messing up my moves
You got a full disclosure
California pools
Heart of Stone was produced by AlterMauz.
AlterMauz released Heart of Stone on Thu Aug 09 2018.
Fizemos a música no dia em que conheci o Zeeba. Coloquei o microfone na frente dele e ele começou a improvisar algumas melodias enquanto ouvia a música. No mesmo minuto soube que ele era a voz perfeita para a música, e 90% da melodia final está nos primeiros takes que o Zeeba fez. Ou seja, o process...